We are working very hard to navigate through this COVID-19 outbreak in the best possible way. We have been very fortunate not to have any layoffs as a business. The Federal Payment Protection Program has made funding available to help us span this uncertain time and help us get to the other side where we can re-engage with you all as seamlessly as possible. We are carefully following the governor's safety and health restrictions and resuming as many of our stalled projects as we are allowed.
Our design team is working remotely and continuing to move forward on existing design projects as well as holding video conference calls for prospective new design clients. Before this crisis materialized, we had spent a lot of time setting ourselves up for remote operation. We feel fortunate to have the ability to work efficiently as a team from different locations. This is all new for us but seems to be working well, so please feel free to stay in communication with them, and us as a group, about your projects or about any other questions you may have at this time. Together we will navigate these challenging waters and remain business strong and positive.
Our wishes go out to all of you for keeping in good health!